Last updated Jan 8, 2025
Clinician and patient trust is our highest priority. We hold ourselves accountable to a HIPAA-compliant data storage and processing protocol for all data captured and shared through our platform.
Internal Personnel Security
All of our employees are required to:
Undergo background checks before being hired
Complete annual security awareness training on HIPAA, privacy, and information classification
We conduct regular risk assessments to ensure policies remain up-to-date and relevant
Our CTO is responsible for Privacy and Security
Secure Development Lifecycle
All software changes are reviewed for compliance
We practice infrastructure-as-code. All infrastructure changes are reviewed before deployment
All engineers complete secure development practices training
Cloud Hosting and Availability
All hosting services and data is stored and processed within Google Cloud secure data centers
We leverage Google Cloud high-availability infrastructure to ensure the data is always accessible
We have a HIPAA Business associate agreement with Google and OpenAI
Confidentiality and Data Encryption
All data is encrypted at-rest and in-transit using standard encryption schemes
Vendor Management
All Vendors who may process patient information are required to be HIPAA compliant and sign BAAs with us
We regularly review vendor security practices to ensure continued high standards
Artificial Intelligence
All AI models are HIPAA compliant and don’t retain data
Protected health information is never used for AI training purposes
Patient Information
Patient information is encrypted at-rest and in-transit